Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset

 Within our school and across the province, educators are discovering the power of a growth mindset. What does teaching a growth mindset actually look like day to day in a classroom? Here are some examples of how teachers in Ontario are teaching a growth mindset.

Book Resources:

Mindsets in the Classroom: Building a Growth Mindset Learning Community by Mary Cay Ricci

Video Resources:

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Teaching a Growth Mindset

Professor Carol Dweck explains her research on fixed and growth mindsets and the impact on learning at Young Minds 2013

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Growth Mindset with Jo Boaler

Dr. Jo Boaler has researched the impact of having a fixed vs. a growth mindset in Math

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The Power of Belief

The Power of belief -- mindset and success | Eduardo Briceno | TEDxManhattanBeach

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Keep Moving Forward

Meet the Robinsons: Keep Moving Forward

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Saving the Silver Bullet: Jaime Casap at TEDxFargo

In this video Jaime Casap conjectures that education is the silver bullet and has the power of disrupting poverty.  He addresses the importance of hard work along the road to change and success.

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Sesame Street: Janelle Monae – Power of Yet

In this video Janelle Monae with the help of the Sesame Street characters sings about the power of yet.

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The Scientific Power of Thought

This video discusses the brain’s plasticity and fostering a growth mindset.

Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Graphic (from Carol Dweck)

A comparison of Fixed and Growth Mindset
