Administrative Team
D. Murrell - Principal
A. Kirkland - Vice Principal
A. Matheson - Administrative Secretary
E. Gabrielli - Secretary
Superintendent of Education
Sheila Powell
D. Cripps and L. Hopkins
School Hours – Entry & Dismissal Times
Supervision begins on our school yard @ 8:45 a.m. Students should not be on the yard unsupervised before that time.
Time |
Activity |
8:45 – 9:00 |
Supervision/bus duty |
9:00 – 10:50 |
Instructional Block 1 |
10:50-11:15 11:15-11:40 |
1st Break Nutrition Break (1st floor)/Recess (2nd floor) Recess(2nd floor)/Nutrition Break (1st floor) |
11:40-1:40 |
Instructional Block 2 |
1:40-2:00 2:00-2:20 |
2nd Break Nutrition Break (1st floor)/Recess (2nd floor) Recess(2nd floor)/Nutrition Break(1st floor) |
2:20-3:30 |
Instructional Block 3 |
3:30 |
Dismissal |
3:30-3:40 |
Supervision/bus duty |
After school, students are to leave the school grounds unless they are taking part in a staff supervised extracurricular activity or are being supervised by their caregiver, whose name we have on our school files.
General School Description |
Laurie Hawkins Public School is located in Ingersoll, Ontario. We are proud to be one of the newest schools in TVDSB, as we opened in the fall of 2011.
We offer classes from JK - Grade 8, with an enrolment of about 600 students, making it one of the largest schools east of London in the board. We offer before and after school care. Our school is an integral part of the Ingersoll community, and is used by school and community groups in the evenings and on weekends. |
Noteworthy Items |
We are proud of the many initiatives that take place at Laurie Hawkins P.S. Some of our noteworthy items include Book Fairs, Dance Club, Recognition Assemblies, Hot Lunch Days, Dance-a-thons, and other special nights and events throughout the school year.
Our school has a terrific Peace Garden that was built in honour of Laurie Hawkins, and was done with the support of many volunteers and companies within the Ingersoll community. Our students enjoy their time spent there. |
Extra Curricular Activities |
Laurie Hawkins offers a wide range of co-instructional activities for our students to take part in. This includes a strong instrumental music program, and a variety of sports programs that include, but are not limited to: cross-country, basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, and track and field events. Students are also active within the Performing Arts, as we have offered Talent Shows and school plays in the past. |
Volunteers at School |
We encourage and offer many ways for parents to volunteer at our school. This can include assisting with reading, writing and math in our JK-3 classes, volunteering on school trips, getting involved on School Council, or volunteering with specific events throughout the year. Please note that all volunteers require a Vulnerable Screening check before working with any of our students or volunteering on trips. |
Measures of Student Academic Success |
At Thames Valley, we believe that assessment and evaluation of student achievement are integral parts of the learning process. Information gathered through assessment and evaluation helps teachers to determine students' strengths and weaknesses in their achievement of the curriculum expectations. It also serves to guide teachers in adapting curriculum and instructional approaches to students' needs and in assessing the overall effectiveness of programs and classroom practices. A variety of methods are used to gauge student progress including: teacher observation, classroom tests, projects and other examples of student work. For more information on our school's provincial assessment results, visit the Education Quality and Accountability Office. Please note that there are no results for our school for the 2014-15 school year, as EQAO did not take place within our board that year due to the labour situation. |